X-Men: 「X-Men」シリーズの実写テレビ化が正式に決定!!、新テレビシリーズ「ヘルファイア(仮)」と「リージョン」の企画製作に着手してることを、20世紀FOXとマーベルがプレス発表!!
【Update】: 20世紀FOXは、「X-Men」シリーズの実写テレビ化を、2作品同時に進めているそうです…!!、続きを読むのあとに、情報を追加しました…!!
【Update】:映画シリーズでは、パトリック・スチュワートとジェームズ・マカヴォイが、それぞれの世代で演じているプロフェッサーX こと、チャールズ・エグゼビアの息子のリージョンこと、デビッド・ハラーが主人公の新テレビシリーズ「リージョン」の製作を、20世紀FOX 傘下のテレビ局 FX が進めていることを発表しました!!、同局のヒット・ドラマ「ファーゴ」のクリエイター、ノア・ホーリーが仕掛け人をつとめる「リージョン」は、すでにパイロット版の製作を発注したそうですから、「ヘルファイア」よりも、こちらの「リージョン」の方が先に世に出ることになるかもしれませんね!!
X-Men: 人気の「X-Men」シリーズが、ついに実写テレビ化!!、20世紀FOXがテレビシリーズ「X-Men」を企画構想中の可能性が浮上!!(14.10.7)
Lauren Shuler Donner, Bryan Singer, Simon Kinberg, Evan Katz, Manny Coto, Jeph Loeb and Jim Chory to Executive-Produce; Patrick McKay and JD Payne to Write Script
Marvel Television and 20th Century Fox Television to Co-Produce
FOX is in development on an action-adventure series, HELLFIRE (working title), it was announced today by David Madden, President, Entertainment, Fox Broadcasting Company.
et in the late 1960s, the series – which will be produced by 20th Century Fox Television and Marvel Television, with 20th Century Fox handling the physical production – follows a young Special Agent who learns that a power-hungry woman with extraordinary abilities is working with a clandestine society of millionaires – known as “The Hellfire Club” – to take over the world.
“We are thrilled to partner with Marvel to bring this world to television and build upon the vibrant mythology that has captivated fans for years,” said Madden. “These powerful and dynamic characters are complicated and larger-than-life, the pace and visual imagination are unrelenting, and the story takes place during one of the most explosive eras in recent history. We are so looking forward to working with this incredibly talented team.”
“HELLFIRE is a unique opportunity to be able to go deeper with some of these extraordinary characters, but to also dramatize new characters and give TV viewers a chance to experience this expanded world in an explosive way that everyone will be talking about,” commented Jonathan Davis, President, Creative Affairs, 20th Century Fox Television. “The action at the center of HELLFIRE will be dynamic and will satisfy the rabid fans, but that said, newcomers will surely be addicted too!”
HELLFIRE is a co-production of 20th Century Fox Television and Marvel Television. Evan Katz (“24: Live Another Day”), Manny Coto (“24”), Patrick McKay (“Star Trek 3”) and JD Payne (“Star Trek 3”) are co-creators. McKay and Payne will write the pilot script, based on a story by Katz, Coto, McKay and Payne. Lauren Shuler Donner (“X-Men: Days of Future Past,” “The Wolverine”), Bryan Singer (“X-Men: Days of Future Past,” “X-Men: Apocalypse”), Simon Kinberg (“X-Men: Days of Future Past,” “Fantastic Four”), Jeph Loeb (“Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”, “Marvel’s Daredevil”) and Jim Chory (“Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” “Marvel’s Daredevil”) will executive-produce the pilot, alongside Katz and Coto, who will serve as showrunners.
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