Godzilla News : ハリウッド版シリーズのクライマックスとして、日米の巨大モンスター激突の「ゴジラ VS.コング」の全米公開の正式決定を、ワーナー・レジェンダリーがプレス発表!!
2017年3月10日全米公開のロキのトムさん主演「コング: スカル・アイランド」、そして、翌2018年6月8日全米公開の「ゴジラ2」に続けて、両映画の巨大モンスターが雌雄を決する「ゴジラVS.コング」の2020年全米公開を正式に決定したことを、ワーナー・レジェンダリーが以下のようにプレスリリースを発行して、マスコミにアナウンスしました…!!
ワーナー・レジェンダリーはせっかちのように思われる方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、来週の月曜日=10月19日に、「コング: スカル・アイランド」の撮影を開始するクランクインなので、つまり、そのキングコング復活の第1弾を景気づける宣伝の話題作りですね…!!、いずれにしろ、すでに完璧に製作決定済みとわかっていた「ゴジラ VS.コング」ですが、これで晴れて、公式のものになりました…!!
Burbank, CA – October 14, 2015 – Following Legendary’s and Warner Bros. Pictures’ 2014 success with the global reinvention of the Godzilla franchise, the companies have come together to create an epic, new shared cinematic franchise. All-powerful monsters become towering heroes for a new generation, revealing a mythology that brings together Godzilla and Legendary’s King Kong in an ecosystem of other giant super-species, both classic and new. Monarch, the human organization that uncovered Godzilla in the 2014 film, will expand their mission across multiple releases.
The announcement that the reinvention of monsters continues was made today by Legendary CEO, Thomas Tull, and Kevin Tsujihara, Chairman and CEO, Warner Bros. The initial trio of films are 2017’s KONG: SKULL ISLAND; GODZILLA 2 in 2018; and then GODZILLA VS. KONG, arriving in theaters in 2020. While Legendary maintains its new home at Universal Pictures, the GODZILLA films remain in partnership with Warner Bros., who will now also distribute KONG as a part of this franchise. Production on KONG: SKULL ISLAND begins October 19th.
Warner Bros. and Legendary released Godzilla in May 2014 with an agreement to release Godzilla 2 on June 8, 2018. Both films feature the humanMonarch organization. Shortly following Legendary’s pact with NBC Universal, Legendary acquired rights to additional classic characters from Toho’s Godzilla universe, including Rodan, Mothra, and King Ghidorah. This paved the way for developing a franchise centered around Monarch and anchored by Godzilla, King Kong, and other famous creatures.
When Legendary announced films centered on Godzilla and Kong, fans all over the world speculated these two characters might one day meet in the same film. Classic Toho monsters including King Ghidorah, Mothra, and Rodan, as announced at Comic-Con 2014, may also join the Legendary pantheon of giant monster mayhem going forward.
“Audiences really responded to Godzilla,” stated Tull. “Today, I’m excited to reveal that film was only the beginning of an epic new entertainment universe. As a lifelong fan of these characters, I’ve always wanted to see the ultimate showdown, and today we’re pleased to be announcing that and more.”
“Working with our partners at Legendary, we enjoyed tremendous creative and commercial success with `Godzilla,’” said Tsujihara. “It’s great to be able to revisit these characters and help create a franchise with so many creative possibilities for filmmakers. Fans love these big, globally iconicfilms and it doesn’t get any bigger than this.”
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