The Toxic Avenger : ビックリ仰天 ! ! 、アーノルド・シュワルツェネッガーがリメイク版「悪魔の毒々モンスター」に主演 ! ! という、笑い話のネタみたいな企画が本当に実現 ! !
シルベスター・スタローン隊長と男祭りの「エクスペンダブルズ2」(2012年)に引き続き、親友共演を果たした最新作の脱獄スリラー「エスケイプ・プラン」が9月13日から全米公開されるアーノルド・シュワルツェネッガー元カリフォルニア州知事が、あろうことか、リメイク版「悪魔の毒々モンスター」に主演する見込みであることを、トロマのZ級映画の醜悪ヒーローを現代に復活させる資金を出資する IFT が、以下のプレスリリースでマスコミに公表しました…!!
ただし、リメイク版「悪魔の毒々モンスター」に主演するアーノルド・シュワルツェネッガーの役どころは、残念ながら、タイトルロールの醜悪なスーパーヒーローではないので、シュワルツェネッガーが凝りに凝ったメーキャップで登場するようなことは期待できませんが、その代わりに、極秘任務に従事した特殊部隊の元工作員として、ターミネーターならぬ “ エクスタミネーター ” に扮し、毒々モンスターとチームを組んで、戦ってくれるそうです…!!
Los Angeles, CA (May, 2013) –Action superstar Arnold Schwarzenegger (TERMINATOR series, TOTAL RECALL) is in negotiations to star in writer/director Steve Pink’s (HOT TUB TIME MACHINE 1 & 2) big budget action comedy THE TOXIC AVENGER produced by Akiva Goldsman (CONSTANTINE, I AM LEGEND, MR AND MRS SMITH), Richard Saperstein (HANCOCK, 1408, SE7EN), Charlie Corwin (HALF NELSON, THE SQUID AND THE WHALE), Stephen Kessler and Michael Benaroya (LAWLESS, MARGIN CALL). Lloyd Kaufman and Michael Herz will executive produce. The announcement was made today by International Film Trust’s (IFT) President Ariel Veneziano who will handle all international rights to the film alongside IFT’s Head of Sales Christian de Gallegos.
Set to be introduced to buyers at Cannes 2013, THE TOXIC AVENGER is currently in pre-production and scheduled to start principal photography this fall.
Loosely based on Lloyd Kaufman’s classic Troma franchise, THE TOXIC AVENGER is the tale of a high-school kid who gets dunked in a vat of toxic waste by a corrupt chemical company. He survives the ordeal with one major side effect: upon contact with toxic chemicals, he transforms into a monster with superhuman strength. Schwarzenegger would play “the Exterminator,” a former black ops agent, who trains Toxie to use his powers for good. Together they take on the lurking menace created by the polluters, and the polluters themselves.
“Moviegoers around the world were thrilled when Arnold Schwarzenegger returned to acting so effortlessly filling the gap that he left behind,” said producer and IFT co-founder Michael Benaroya. “He is the ultimate action hero with a natural comedic versatility and will be pitch perfect in The Toxic Avenger.”
“Our film is a perfect combination of commercial genre, star power and award winning filmmakers to set it apart from other titles on offer at Cannes this year. The Toxic Avenger is a blockbuster in waiting with franchise potential. The buyers will love it,” said IFT President Ariel Veneziano.
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s role in James Cameron’s THE TERMINATOR series solidified his place as one of the leading action hero actors with roles in blockbuster hits including PREDATOR, TOTAL RECALL, TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY and TRUE LIES. Proving to be a multi-talented performer, Schwarzenegger crossed over into comedic roles with box office hits TWINS opposite Danny DeVito and Ivan Reitman’s KINDERGARTEN COP. After taking an extended break to become the Governor of California, Schwarzenegger returned to acting in 2012 with THE EXPENDABLES 2, which grossed over $300 million worldwide. He will next be seen in Summit Entertainment’s ESCAPE PLAN and Open Road Films’ TEN. He is represented by CAA and Patrick Knapp at Bloom Hergott Diemer Rosenthal LaViolette Felmdman Schenkman & Goodman.
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