Awards : 全米監督協会が第63回DGA賞の候補を発表!!、長編映画部門最優秀監督賞に、クリス・ノーラン監督、デヴィッド・フィンチャー監督を含む5名がノミネートされた!!
◆ ダーレン・アロノフスキー監督 (「ブラック・スワン」)
◆ デヴィッド・フィンチャー監督 (「ソーシャル・ネットワーク」)
◆ トム・フーパー監督 (「ザ・キングズ・スピーチ」)
◆ クリス・ノーラン監督 (「インセプション」)
◆ デヴィッド・O・ラッセル監督 (「ザ・ファイター」)
以上の5名が選ばれたことについては、まったく疑問の余地を感じない映画ファンの方が大部分とは思いますが…、両親がふたりともお母さんという同性愛カップルの夫婦ならぬ “婦婦” の家庭を描いた「キッズ・アー・オールライト」のリサ・チョロデンコ監督や、貧困にあえぐ家族を守るために、逃亡した犯罪者の実の父親をハントする少女の過酷な青春を描いた「ウインターズ・ボーン」のデブラ・グラニック監督、そして、ついに全米映画興行ランキングのトップに立った名作西部劇「トゥルー・グリット」のコーエン兄弟監督が入っていないことには、納得がいかない…という方も少なからずおられるかもしれません。
Los Angeles - Directors Guild of America President Taylor Hackford today announced the five nominees for the DGA Award for Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Feature Film for 2010.
“2011 marks the 75th anniversary of the DGA, making the celebration of this year’s five nominees especially meaningful,” said Hackford. “Their inspired films radiate the passion and unique vision of each of these filmmakers, who are about to become part of our Guild's rich history. My sincerest congratulations to all five nominees.”
The winner will be named at the 63rd Annual DGA Awards Dinner on Saturday, January 29, 2011, at the Grand Ballroom at Hollywood & Highland. The nominees are (in alphabetical order):
Black Swan (Fox Searchlight Pictures)
Mr. Aronofsky’s Directorial Team:
・ Unit Production Manager: Jennifer Roth
・ First Assistant Director: Joseph Reidy
・ Second Assistant Director: Amy Lauritsen
・ Second Second Assistant Director: Travis Rehwaldt
・ Location Manager: Ronnie Kupferwasser
This is Mr. Aronofsky’s first DGA Feature Film Award Nomination.
The Social Network (Columbia Pictures)
Mr. Fincher’s Directorial Team:
・ Unit Production Manager: JoAnn Perritano
・ First Assistant Director: Bob Wagner
・ Second Assistant Director: Allen Kupetsky
・ Second Second Assistant Director: Maileen Williams
This is Mr. Fincher’s second DGA Feature Film Award nomination. He was previously nominated for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button in 2008. He previously won the DGA Commercial Award for Speed Chain (Nike), Gamebreakers (, and Beauty for Sale (Xelibri Phones) in 2003 and was nominated in that category again in 2008.
The King’s Speech (The Weinstein Co.)
Mr. Hooper’s Directorial Team:
・ Production Manager: Erica Bensly
・ First Assistant Director: Martin Harrison
・ Second Assistant Director: Chris Stoaling
This is Mr. Hooper’s first DGA Feature Film Award Nomination. He was previously nominated for the DGA Award for Movies for Television/Miniseries for John Adams in 2008.
Inception (Warner Bros. Pictures)
Mr. Nolan’s Directorial Team:
・ Unit Production Manager: Jan Foster
・ First Assistant Director: Nilo Otero
・ Second Assistant Director: Brandon Lambdin
・ Second Second Assistant Director: Greg Pawlik
・ Additional Second Assistant Director: Lauren Pasternack
This is Mr. Nolan’s third DGA Feature Film Award nomination. He was previously nominated for The Dark Knight in 2008 and for Memento in 2001.
The Fighter (Paramount Pictures and The Weinstein Co.)
Mr. Russell’s Directorial Team:
・ Unit Production Manager: Mark Kamine
・ First Assistant Director: Michele Ziegler
・ Second Assistant Director: Xanthus Valan
・ Second Second Assistant Director: Timothy Blockburger
This is Mr. Russell’s first DGA Feature Film Award nomination.
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