Star Wars VII : シリーズ最新作「スター・ウォーズ : エピソード7」の撮影のために作られた実物大のX‐ウイングが登場したチャリティのプロモーション・ビデオ!!
先々月5月下旬にお伝えし、大変に大きな反響があった「スター・ウォーズ」と、国連の慈善基金ユニセフがタイアップしたチャリティ “ フォース・フォー・チェンジ ” の寄付…と言った大げさなことではなく、ふだんのように…、
下 ↓ の写真でも、ご覧のように、実物大で作られた X-ウイングを使って、撮影が行われている「スター・ウォーズ: エピソード7」は、来年2015年12月18日から全世界で公開の予定です!!、フォースのご加護があらんことを…!!
All Wings Report In! On the set of Star Wars: Episode VII, Director J.J. Abrams was interrupted by an X-Wing pilot and rogue robot as he announced the chance for fans to win an advance private screening of Star Wars: Episode VII. “We are so grateful for the support that the fans from over 119 countries have shown for Force for Change,” said Abrams. “As we close this final week, we’ve added an additional prize that allows the fans the opportunity to see the movie early as a thank you for supporting such a great cause as UNICEF’s innovative, lifesaving work for children.” By contributing at any level by July 25th, participants will be eligible for all prizes including a chance to be in the movie.
Star Wars: Force for Change impressively raised over one million dollars within the first 24 hours of its launch—a record for Omaze, the fundraising platform. So far contributors from 119 countries around the world have backed Force for Change, in support of the United Nations Children’s Fund’s (UNICEF) Innovation Labs and programs. UNICEF’s network of 14 Innovation Labs help create sustainable solutions to critical issues facing children around the world in the areas of nutrition, water, health, and education. The funds raised through Star Wars: Force for Change will impact the lives of children around the world, through projects like MobiStation, a portable, solar-powered educational kit to ensure children have access to quality learning anywhere, and Rapid FTR (Family Tracing and Reunification), a mobile phone application that helps reunite separated and unaccompanied children with their families in natural disasters. Fans can continue to pledge support and enter for a chance win until 11:59pm on July 25.
The Star Wars: Force for Change Grand Prize includes:
・Airfare and accommodations to London for one winner and a guest
・Behind-the-scenes access on the closed set of Star Wars: Episode VII as VIP guests of J.J. Abrams
・Winner will have the opportunity to meet members of the cast
・Winner and their guest will then be transformed by makeup and costume teams into a Star Wars character and filmed for a scene in Star Wars: Episode VII
Disney committed US $1 million to support the launch of Star Wars: Force for Change. Star Wars continues to inspire generations of dreamers and doers to use their creativity to accomplish great things. Star Wars and Lucasfilm were built on the belief that in uniting creativity with innovation, you can make the impossible possible.
May the Force be with you!
Star Wars VII:「スター・ウォーズ: エピソード7」が、エイリアンのクリーチャーが登場した撮影セットの様子を初公開!!、ユニセフと共同で、子どもたちを支援するチャリティに、フォースを送ってくれた善意のジェダイの騎士に「スター・ウォーズ」出演のチャンス!!と呼びかけるJ・J・エイブラムス監督のメッセージ・ビデオをご覧ください!!(14.5.22)
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