Need for Speed : アーロン・ポール主演の本格カー・アクション炸裂のリベンジ・ムービー「ニード・フォー・スピード」が新しい予告編と写真をリリース!!
テレビシリーズ「ブレイキング・バッド」でブレイキングしたアーロン・ポールを主演に迎え、EA 発の同名人気レースゲーム・シリーズを、徹底的に生身のカー・スタントにこだわり、実車で実写映画化した「ニード・フォー・スピード」は、来春2014年3月14日から全米公開!!、イモージェン・プーツ(リメイク版「フライト・ナイト」2011年)が起用されたヒロイン、ジュリアの自動車販売ビジネスを手助けするため、元NASCARレーサーのディノと渋々ながらチームを組み、公道レースに参戦したアーロン・ポールの主人公 トビーだったが、非合法なレースの惨事の責任を、ディノになすりつけられ、無実の罪で刑務所に送られてしまうことに…!!といった発端から、予告編でご覧のように、出所したトビーが復讐を誓い、かつてのガレージ仲間とチームを組んで、ディノと再び公道レースで対決することになります…!!
悪役のディノを、「エイブラハム・リンカーン: ヴァンパイア・ハンター」(2012年)のドミニク・クーパーが演じているほか、共演者は、ダコタ・ジョンソン(「21ジャンプストリート」2012年)、ラッパーのキッド・カディ、リメイク版「ロボコップ」(2014年2月7日全米公開)のマイケル・キートンらといった顔ぶれです…!!
DreamWorks Pictures’ “Need for Speed” marks an exciting return to the great car culture films of the 1960s and ’70s, when the authenticity of the world brought a new level of intensity to the action on-screen. Tapping into what makes the American myth of the open road so appealing, the story chronicles a near-impossible cross-country journey for our heroes — one that begins as a mission for revenge, but proves to be one of redemption. Based on the most successful racing video game franchise ever with over 140 million copies sold, “Need for Speed” captures the freedom and excitement of the game in a real-world setting, while bringing to life the passion for the road that has made our love of cars so timeless.
The film centers around Tobey Marshall (Aaron Paul), a blue-collar mechanic who races muscle cars on the side in an unsanctioned street-racing circuit. Struggling to keep his family-owned garage afloat, he reluctantly partners with the wealthy and arrogant ex-NASCAR driver Dino Brewster (Dominic Cooper). But just as a major sale to car broker Julia Bonet (Imogen Poots) looks like it will save Tobey’s shop, a disastrous race allows Dino to frame Tobey for a crime he didn’t commit, and sending Tobey to prison while Dino expands his business out west.
Two years later, Tobey is released and set on revenge — but he knows his only chance to take down his rival Dino is to defeat him in the high-stakes race known as De Leon — the Super Bowl of underground racing. However to get there in time, Tobey will have to run a high-octane, action-packed gauntlet that includes dodging pursuing cops coast-to-coast as well as contending with a dangerous bounty Dino has put out on his car. With the help of his loyal crew and the surprisingly resourceful Julia, Tobey defies odds at every turn and proves that even in the flashy world of exotic supercars, the underdog can still finish first.
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