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LEGO ビルダーの OliveSeon さんが、ギレルモ・デル・トロ監督の「パシフィック・リム」(2013年)をテーマにした力作です…!!、続きを読むのあとで、ジプシー・デンジャー VS.ナイフヘッドの LEGO ジオラマの全体のイメージの写真を2枚、ご覧ください…!!

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来月11月12日に全米でリリースされるスーパーマン・ビギンズ「マン・オブ・スティール」のDVD/Blu-rayの特典映像です…!!、ヘンリー・カヴィルのスーパーマンが再び登場する続編はもちろん、ベン・アフレック監督が演じる新ダークナイトと共演の「バットマン VS.スーパーマン」!!、再来年2015年7月17日から全米公開の予定です…!!


音楽の神童として、周囲の大人たちを驚かせた幼少期から、今日の伝説的なミュージシャンへと到るまでのエルトン・ジョンの生涯を描く伝記映画「ロケットマン」に、シリーズ復活の第1弾「マッドマックス: フューリーロード」の公開が控えているトム・ハーディの主演が正式に決定し、ベインがエルトン・ジョンを演じることを、製作のロケット・ピクチャーズと配給のフォーカス・フィーチャーズが、以下 ↓ のプレスリリースで発表しました…!!、新人のマイケル・グレーシー監督がメガホンをとる音楽伝記映画は、来年2014年秋にクランクイン!!、脚本を執筆するのは、「ビリー・エリオット(リトル・ダンサー)」(2000年)や、「ウォー・ホース」(2011年)で知られるリー・ホールだそうです!!、トム・ハーディが、どのようにエルトン・ジョンを演じるのか?!、興味深い作品ですね…!!



LOS ANGELES (October 23, 2013) – Tom Hardy will star as Elton John in Rocket Pictures’ Rocketman, and Focus Features has come aboard to give the film a major U.S. release, producers announced today.

The Hardy deal caps a lengthy search to cast the role of Elton in the film, which will be co-financed by AI Film.

Much like the man himself, Rocketman is a larger-than-life movie musical spectacle that tells the story of a child prodigy turned music legend. Elton will re-record many of his iconic hits to parallel the emotional beats of the film that will have audiences on their feet, singing along to his much loved music. The film is scheduled to shoot in fall 2014.

Incoming Focus CEO Peter Schlessel, brought Rocketman from FilmDistrict to Focus Features.

Rocketman is produced by Steve Hamilton Shaw and David Furnish of Rocket Pictures and Lawrence Bender on behalf of AI Film, the film production and financing company created out of the acquisition of Icon by Len Blavatnik’s Access Industries. Sir Elton John and Len Blavatnik are executive producing, along with AI Film CEO Aviv Giladi and Focus Features CEO Peter Schlessel. UTA Independent Film Group arranged financing for the project and negotiated the project’s sale to FilmDistrict. Good Universe is handling international sales.

“Tom is a stellar talent who will add extraordinary depth and nuance in bringing Elton’s story to life,” said Rocket Pictures CEO Steve Hamilton Shaw. “We are excited to have such a gifted actor on board, and equally excited to be in the hands of Peter Schlessel and the entire Focus Features team.”

“Tom is quickly becoming known as one of the world’s most versatile actors, and like others at the top of their craft, he has proven his ability to transform himself completely into the character or subject found in the material,” said Schlessel. “We are confident that Tom will embody the physicality and spirit of Sir Elton. This, in conjunction with the creative team led by Michael and Rocket Pictures, will provide the foundation for something that will be a unique cinematic event.”

Rocketman will be directed by Michael Gracey (Fox’s upcoming The Greatest Showman on Earth starring Hugh Jackman, and Disney’s The Muppet Man). The original screenplay is written by Academy Award® nominee Lee Hall (War Horse, Billy Elliot).

British actor Hardy will next be seen in Steve Knight’s Locke and in the reboot of the Mad Max franchise for Warner Bros. and George Miller. Hardy recently wrapped Child 44 with director Daniel Espinosa and Animal Rescue for director Michael Roskam. He most recently starred in The Dark Knight Rises and previously worked with director Chris Nolan onInception. His credits include Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Bronson and Warrior. He is represented by CAA, Lindy King at United Agents and attorney Jason Sloane.


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