24: Live Another Day: 24時間戦える男の任務復帰が正式に決定!!、キーファー・サザーランド主演の人気アクション・ドラマが映画化断念で、シリーズ再開!!、新シリーズ「24: リブ・アナザー・デイ」を来年2014年5月から全米オンエア!!
いわゆる “ 9.11後… ” のアメリカ社会の空気に呼応して、キーファー・サザーランド演じる主人公のジャック・バウアーがテロリストを容赦なく拷問して追いつめる描写が、大衆の溜飲を下げる支持を集めて高視聴率になったアクション・シリアル・ドラマ「24/TWENTY FOUR」は、2001年のスタートから、計8シーズン続いた放送を2010年5月に終えて以後、映画化の道を模索するも、ドラマの売りである24時間連続のストーリーを2時間そこそこに凝縮する脚本のとりまとめに難航し、プロジェクトが停滞していたことを、CIAリーダーのみなさんはよくご存知だと思います。
そのように中途半端な企画開発の生殺し状態で、ジャック・バウアーを放置し、せっかくの人気を風化させてはもったいないと思ったものか?!、ドラマを製作する20世紀FOXが今一度、本来のテレビシリーズとして、「24/TWENTY FOUR」をとりあえず復活させることを、以下のようにプレスリリースを通じて、発表してくれましたが…、
その注目の新シリーズ「24: リブ・アナザー・デイ」は、従来の24話完結ではなく、半分の12話で、24時間の物語を描くことになるそうです…!!、よって、売りである1話=1時間のリアルタイムの設定を打ち捨て、1話で2時間分の出来事が展開されることになるわけですが、果たして、よりスピーディーなアクション・ドラマになるのか?!、それとも反対に全体の内容が薄められてしまうことになるのか?!、新シリーズの内容の詳細は不明ですが、CIAリーダーのみなさんは、ジャック・バウアーが再び、テレビシリーズに帰ってくる始末になってしまったことについて、どのような感想をお持ちになられたでしょう…?!
24: 24時間戦える男 ジャック・バウアーのミッションを2時間に凝縮して描く映画版「24: The Movie」の新しい脚本が年内に完成!!、来春撮影開始の復活を20世紀FOXが検討!!(11.12.6)
24 : 20世紀FOXがキーファー・サザーランドの大ヒットTVシリーズ「24/TWENTY FOUR」の映画化を中止!!、脚本の内容に不満で、プロジェクトを却下してしまった…!!(11.1.2)
Kiefer Sutherland to Return as JACK BAUER in New Event Series
Produced by 20th Century Fox Television, Imagine Television and Howard Gordon’s Teakwood Lane Productions
FOX has ordered 24: LIVE ANOTHER DAY, a thrilling new tent-pole event series set to restart the clock on the groundbreaking and Emmy Award-winning drama franchise starring Kiefer Sutherland. Produced by 20th Century Fox Television, Imagine Television and Howard Gordon’s Teakwood Lane Productions, 24: LIVE ANOTHER DAY will make its historic debut in the summer of 2014 on FOX.
The announcement was made this morning by Kevin Reilly, Chairman, Fox Broadcasting Company; Dana Walden and Gary Newman, Chairmen, Twentieth Century Fox Television; and Brian Grazer, Chairman, Imagine Entertainment.
The high-octane saga will reunite showrunner Howard Gordon with Sutherland and retain the real-time, pulse-pounding, fast-paced format with split screens and complex interweaving storylines, with 12 episodes representing 24 hours. The suspenseful event series once again follows the exploits of heroic agent JACK BAUER (Sutherland), who will resume his story several years following the events of the final season.
“It’s great to have Jack back. ‘24’ redefined the drama genre, and as we reimagine the television miniseries, this iconic show will again break new ground for the network,” said Reilly. “The series remains a global sensation, and everyone at FOX is thrilled to be back at work with Kiefer, Howard and the incredibly creative ‘24’ team.”
“When Howard came to us saying he had an idea for a new chapter of ‘24,’ he quite simply had us at ‘hello,’” remarked 20th Century Fox Television Chairmen Gary Newman and Dana Walden. “’24’ is a signature series for this studio, beloved by critics and audiences worldwide. Howard’s idea to revive the franchise as an event series couldn’t be timelier, and with the brilliant Kiefer Sutherland on board to reprise his iconic role, we can’t wait to get started.”
Added Imagine Television Chairman Brian Grazer, “I’m both excited and proud that Howard, Kiefer, and I, along with ours partners at 20th and Fox, have this new opportunity to give ‘24’ fans what they’ve been asking for – more Jack Bauer. It’s been my experience that people love Jack Bauer because he’s a guy who cuts through the red tape and gets the hardest things done. I am certain 24: LIVE ANOTHER DAY will again have a huge impact on our culture.”
“The response to ‘24’ is unlike anything I have ever experienced as an actor before,” noted Sutherland. “To have the chance to reunite with the character, Jack Bauer, is like finding a lost friend. The story ideas from Howard Gordon are exciting and fresh, and will not disappoint. Great thanks to 20th Century Fox Television, Imagine Television and the FOX network for this opportunity. Make no mistake, my goal is to knock your socks off. See you soon.”
“Jack Bauer has always been an exciting, thrilling character, and I confess that I’ve missed him. I think the audience has too,” said executive producer Howard Gordon who served as showrunner for most of the series’ run and won multiple Emmy Awards for his work. “The character has evolved through the years, and this new and exciting event series format is perfect to tell the next chapter of his story and continue to reflect how the world is changing. Fans can rest assured that the Jack they know and love will be back.”
Originally premiering November 6, 2001, ‘24’ was nominated for a total of 73 Emmy Awards, winning for Outstanding Drama Series in 2006. Over eight seasons, Kiefer Sutherland garnered seven Emmy Award nominations and one win for Outstanding Lead Actor – Drama Series. While the series gained global recognition, Sutherland’s portrayal of the legendary character penetrated the American psyche like no other dramatic television character to become part of the cultural lexicon.
24: LIVE ANOTHER DAY is a production of 20th Century Fox Television and Imagine Television in association with Teakwood Lane Productions. Howard Gordon, Brian Grazer and Kiefer Sutherland will executive produce, along with an additional team to be announced. The original series, which had its last American broadcast on May 24, 2010, was created by Joel Surnow and Robert Cochran.
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