Batman News : バットマン・シリーズ完結編「ザ・ダークナイト・ライズス」がクランクイン!!と、ワーナー / レジェンダリーが今ごろになって、プレスリリースを発行!!
CIAリーダーのバットマン・ファンの皆さんからすれば、今月5月初めにクランクインして、インド・ロケはとっくに終わったし、今週のロンドン・ロケだって、もう終わりじゃん…!!ということで、すでに撮影が始まっていることを全世界の映画ファンが知っているバットマン・シリーズ完結編の最新作「ザ・ダークナイト・ライズス」ですが、同映画がクランクインしたことを、遅ればせながら、製作・配給のワーナー・ブラザースがプレスリリースを発行し、あらためて公けのものとしたので、その旨をお伝えしておきます…!!、と言っても、プレスリリースの内容に、これといって目新しい記述はなく、すでに知っていることばかりなので、英語の原文のまま、全文を続きを読むのあとにアタッチしておくので、興味のある方だけ、お読みください。ただし、「ザ・ダークナイト・ライズス」のプレスリリースには、ひとつだけ変わっている点があって、それは物語のあらすじが一切、書かれていないことです!!、完結編の映画の内容は公開間近か、あるいは封切りまで絶対秘密ですよ!!ということですね!!、で、上 ↑ の写真は、現地ロンドンでも昨日となる5月19日(木)に撮影されたもので、いよいよアン・ハサウェイが撮影に加わり、キャットウーマンAKAセリーナ・カイルを演じることになるようです!!、ファッションを黒でキメてきたあたりに、やる気の意気込みがにじみ出ていますね!!、バットマン・シリーズ完結編「ザ・ダークナイト・ライズス」は来年2012年7月20日全米公開です!!
Filming will take place on three continents, with an all-star cast working under the direction of Christopher Nolan.
BURBANK, CA, May 19, 2011 - Principal photography has begun on Warner Bros. Pictures’ and Legendary Pictures’ “The Dark Knight Rises,” the epic conclusion to filmmaker Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy.
Leading an all-star international cast, OscarR winner Christian Bale (“The Fighter”) again plays the dual role of Bruce Wayne/Batman.
The film also stars Anne Hathaway, as Selina Kyle; Tom Hardy, as Bane; OscarR winner Marion Cotillard (“La Vie en Rose”), as Miranda Tate; and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, as John Blake.
Returning to the main cast, OscarR winner Michael Caine (“The Cider House Rules”) plays Alfred; Gary Oldman is Commissioner Gordon; and OscarR winner Morgan Freeman (“Million Dollar Baby”) reprises the role of Lucius Fox.
In helming “The Dark Knight Rises,” Christopher Nolan is utilizing IMAXR cameras even more extensively than he did on “The Dark Knight,” which had marked the first time ever that a major feature film was partially shot with IMAXR cameras. The results were so spectacular that the director wanted to expand the use of the large-format cameras for this film.
The screenplay for “The Dark Knight Rises” is written by Christopher Nolan and Jonathan Nolan, story by Christopher Nolan & David S. Goyer. The film is being produced by Emma Thomas, Christopher Nolan and Charles Roven, who previously teamed on “Batman Begins” and the record-breaking blockbuster “The Dark Knight.” The executive producers are Benjamin Melniker, Michael E. Uslan, Kevin De La Noy and Thomas Tull, with Jordan Goldberg serving as co-producer. “The Dark Knight” is based upon characters appearing in comic books published by DC Comics. Batman was created by Bob Kane.
Behind the scenes, “The Dark Knight Rises” reunites the director with several of his longtime collaborators, all of whom worked together on the “The Dark Knight.” The creative team includes director of photography Wally Pfister, who recently won an OscarR for his work on Nolan’s “Inception”; production designer Nathan Crowley; editor Lee Smith; and OscarR-winning costume designer Lindy Hemming (“Topsy-Turvy”). In addition, Paul Franklin and Chris Corbould, who both won OscarsR for the effects in “Inception,” will supervise the visual and special effects, respectively. The music will be composed by OscarR winner Hans Zimmer (“The Lion King”).
The locations for “The Dark Knight Rises” span three continents and include the American cities of Pittsburgh, New York and Los Angeles, as well as sites in India, England and Scotland.
“The Dark Knight Rises” is a presentation of Warner Bros. Pictures, in association with Legendary Pictures. Slated for release on July 20, 2012, the film will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.
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