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オカルト映画の続編ザ・ラスト・エクソシズム Part IIの予告編!!

「ホステル」シリーズのイーライ・ロス監督がプロデュースを手がけて、2010年に公開されたモッキュメンタリー・ホラー映画の続編「ザ・ラスト・エクソシズム Part II」の予告編です…!!、前作で悪霊にとり憑かれた記憶を一切、失ってしまったヒロインのネル(アシュレイ・ベル)に再び呪わしい出来事が…ッ!!、「スモールタウン・マーダー・ソングズ」(2010年)のエド・ガス=ドネリー監督がメガホンを引き継いだ続編は、今春3月1日から全米公開です。



Open Road Films will release MACHETE KILLS – directed by Robert Rodriguez (Machete, Sin City, Spy Kids franchise) and starring Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, Sofia Vergara, Amber Heard, Charlie Sheen, Lady Gaga, Antonio Banderas, Jessica Alba, Demián Bichir, Alexa Vega, Vanessa Hudgens, Cuba Gooding, Jr., William Sadler, Marko Zaror and Mel Gibson – on Septmber 13, 2013.

Directed by Robert Rodriguez from a screenplay by Kyle Ward and based on a story by Marcel Rodriguez and Robert Rodríguez, MACHETE KILLS is the sequel to the 2010 hit film MACHETE - which has built a devoted legion of fans since its release – and is the second film in a trilogy. The film is produced by Robert Rodriguez, along with Aaron Kaufman and Iliana Nikolic through their QuickDraw Productions banner, as well as Sergei Bespalov of Aldamisa Films, Alexander Rodnyansky of AR Films, and Rick Schwartz of Overnight Films.

In MACHETE KILLS, Danny Trejo returns as ex-Federale agent MACHETE, who is recruited by the President of the United States for a mission which would be impossible for any mortal man – he must take down a madman revolutionary and an eccentric billionaire arms dealer who has hatched a plan to spread war and anarchy across the planet.

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