FOX が今秋9月23日から全米で放送を開始するテレビ版「エクソシスト」の新しい予告編を、サンディエゴ・コミック・コンで披露してくれたので、5月にリリースされた全長版の予告編とあわせて、ご覧ください…!!
オリジナル映画では、大女優のエレン・バースティン(「インターステラー」2014年)が演じていたお母さん役に相当するらしいアンジェラは、「テルマ&ルイーズ」(1991年)や、「プリティ・リーグ」(1992年)などで活躍したほか、当時の夫のレニ・ハラリン監督がメガホンをとったアクション超大作「カットスロート・アイランド」(1995年)と「ロング・キス・グッドナイト」(1996年)にも主演したジーナ・デイヴィス!!、悪魔払いに挑む二人の牧師を演じているのは、アルフォンソ・エレーラ(TVシリーズ「センス8」)とベン・ダニエルズ(「ジャックと豆の木」2013年)。リンダ・ブレアが当たり役にした悪魔に憑りつかれる少女リーガンに相当するらしいキャサリン役は、「ホリブル・ボスズ 2」(2014年)のブリアン・ハウィー。そのキャサリンの妹のケイシー役は、テレビ女優のハンナ・カスルカです…!!
さて、FOX としては、全米で今秋に放送開始する新番組のうちの大きな目玉として、勝負を賭けているらしい「エクソシスト」ですが、思惑通りに視聴率を稼ぐことができるでしょうか…?!
Widely regarded as the greatest horror movie ever made, “The Exorcist” broke box office records and terrified audiences around the world. Now, more than four decades after the Academy Award-nominated film, THE EXORCIST returns as a TV series. Directed by Rupert Wyatt (“Rise of the Planet of the Apes”), THE EXORCIST is a propulsive psychological thriller following two very different priests tackling one family’s case of horrifying demonic possession. FATHER TOMAS ORTEGA (Alfonso Herrera, “Sense8,” “The Chosen”) is the new face of the Catholic Church: progressive, ambitious and compassionate. He runs a small but loyal parish in the suburbs of Chicago. He has no idea that his quiet life is about to change forever. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, another priest finds himself locked in a life-and-death struggle with evil. FATHER MARCUS BRENNAN (Ben Daniels, “Flesh and Bone,” “House of Cards”) is a modern-day Templar Knight, an orphan raised since childhood by the Vatican to wage war against its enemies. Father Marcus is everything Father Tomas is not: relentless, abrasive and utterly consumed by his sacred mission.
Caught in the middle is the RANCE family, members of Tomas’ parish. On the surface, they’re a normal, suburban family, but all is not as it seems in this household. The patriarch, HENRY RANCE (guest star Alan Ruck, “Spin City,” “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”), is slowly but surely losing his mind. Eldest daughter KATHERINE (Brianne Howey, SCREAM QUEENS) has become a recluse who refuses to leave her room. Her younger sister, CASEY (Hannah Kasulka, “The Fosters”), thinks she’s hearing strange noises coming from inside the walls. And mother ANGELA (Academy Award and Golden Globe winner Geena Davis, “Commander in Chief,” “Thelma & Louise”) has been plagued by recurring nightmares, each more frightening than the last. Angela believes there is something in the house, a demonic presence, growing stronger by the day. Desperate, she begs Father Tomas for help, unwittingly setting the naïve young priest on a collision course with Father Marcus. Separately, each faces an insurmountable task, but together they become the only hope against an evil force that has been mobilizing for centuries.
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