Star Wars : 「スター・ウォーズ」の新トリロジーを締めくくる完結編「エピソード9」のメガホンを、 「ジュラシック・ワールド」のコリン・トレボロウ監督に託したことを、ディズニーが公式に発表!!
アナハイムで開催中のディズニー・エキスポの D23 の「スター・ウォーズ」のプロモーションで、ルーカス・フィルム代表のプロデューサー、キャスリーン・ケネディが、今年末12月18日全世界公開の「ザ・フォース・アウェイクンズ」から始まる新トリロジーを締めくくる完結編「エピソード9」の監督に、「ジュラシック・ワールド」で、この夏、映画史に残る記録的な大ヒットを飛ばしたコリン・トレボロウ監督を正式に起用したことを発表し、あわせて、以下 ↓ のように、プレスリリースを配信しました…!!
ANAHEIM, CALIF. (August 15, 2015)—Today at D23, Walt Disney Studios Chairman Alan Horn announced that writer-director Colin Trevorrow will direct Star Wars: Episode IX, which is set for release in 2019.
While production won’t begin for a few years, Trevorrow is heading to Lucasfilm this year to begin working with artists and his fellow Star Wars directors. “Colin is someone I’ve been interested in working with ever since I saw ‘Safety Not Guaranteed,’” says Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy. “The power of that film paired with the enormous success of ‘Jurassic World’ speaks volumes about his abilities both as a storyteller and skilled filmmaker. We are thrilled to have such an incredible talent as Colin join our family and step into the Star Wars universe.”
Trevorrow states, “This is not a job or an assignment. It is a seat at a campfire, surrounded by an extraordinary group of storytellers, filmmakers, artists and craftspeople. We’ve been charged with telling new stories for a younger generation because they deserve what we all had—a mythology to call their own. We will do this by channeling something George Lucas instilled in all of us: boundless creativity, pure invention and hope.”
Star Wars: Episode IX will conclude the third trilogy of Star Wars movies that begins with Star Wars: The Force Awakens on December 18, 2015.
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