Blade Runner : 約33年ぶりの続編「ブレードランナー2」のハリソン・フォードの共演者として、「ドライヴ」のライアン・ゴズリングの参戦が正式に決定!!
よりによって、「スター・ウォーズ セレブレーション」の初日に、「スター・ウォーズ: ザ・フォース・アウェイクンズ」の新しい予告編が披露されて、映画のマスコミはどこも大忙しのてんやわんやの真っ最中に、こんなビッグ・ニュースを発表しなくても…と、思わず愚痴りたくなりますが、ハリソン・フォードのハン・ソロが復活!!の話題のピークに、つまりはすかさず、便乗したいわけですね…!!
「スター・ウォーズ: ザ・フォース・アウェイクンズ」関連のニュースで多忙のため、とり急ぎ、簡単にお伝えしますが、ヒュー・ジャックマン主演の誘拐スリラー映画「プリズナーズ」(2013年)で、ハリウッド・デビューを果たしたデニス・ヴィルヌーヴ監督にメガホンが託されたニュースを、先々月の2月末にお伝えした「ブレードランナー2」に、「ドライヴ」(2011年)などのライアン・ゴズリングが出演の見込みになったことを、製作のアルコン・エンタテインメントが以下↓のプレス・リリースで発表しました…!!
LOS ANGELES, CA, APRIL 16, 2015 ‐ Ryan Gosling is in negotiations to star in Alcon Entertainment’s sequel to BLADE RUNNER, being directed by Denis Villeneuve (Prisoners) and executive produced by Ridley Scott.
Harrison Ford will co-star as Rick Deckard, the role he portrayed in the original directed by Scott.
Principal photography is set to start in summer of 2016. Hampton Fancher (co-writer of the original) and Michael Green have written the original screenplay based on an idea by Fancher and Scott.
The story takes place several decades after the conclusion of the 1982 original. Story details, as well as Gosling’s character, are not being revealed.
Gosling will be seen next in Shane Black’s The Nice Guys opposite Russell Crowe, and in Terrence Malick’s Weightless. He is currently in production starring opposite Christian Bale, Brad Pitt and Steve Carrell in The Big Short.
Villeneuve’s upcoming feature film Sicario, a drug-trafficking drama starring Emily Blunt, Josh Brolin and Benicio Del Toro from Black Label Media, has been recently announced in Competition at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival. Villeneuve previously worked with Kosove and Johnson as the director of Alcon’s critically acclaimed Prisoners.
Alcon Entertainment acquired the prequel and sequel film, television and ancillary franchise rights to the iconic science-fiction thriller BLADE RUNNER in 2011 from producers Bud Yorkin and Cynthia Sikes Yorkin, who will serve as producers on the sequel along Alcon Entertainment co-founders and co-CEO’s Andrew Kosove and Broderick Johnson.
Frank Giustra and Tim Gamble, CEO’s of Thunderbird Films, will serve as executive producers.
Among its many distinctions, BLADE RUNNER has been singled out as one of the greatest movies of all time by innumerable polls and media outlets, and overwhelmingly as the greatest science-fiction film of all time by a majority of genre publications.
Released by Warner Bros., BLADE RUNNER was adapted by Hampton Fancher and David Peoples from Philip K. Dick's novel “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" and was directed by Ridley Scott following his landmark Alien.” The film was nominated for two Academy Awards (Best Visual Effects, and Best Art Direction).
BLADE RUNNER was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant." The film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry in 1993 and is frequently taught in university courses. In 2007, it was named the 2nd most visually influential film of all time by the Visual Effects Society.
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