************************************************* このCIA★こちら映画中央情報局ですは、2017年4月1日に、コチラの CIA Movie News に移転しました!! *************************************************

テネシー州ナッシュビルにお住まいのオラン・ロジャースさんが、手持ちのたった700ドル=約5万7,660円で、カプコンの人気ゲーム「ロックマン」シリーズの実写化に挑んでみた「Mega Man X」(約4分半)をご覧ください…!!、ロックマンたちロボットの生みの親であるライト博士が100年前に遺したメッセージ…という設定で、作品の世界観を説明している冒頭部分は少し退屈ですが、同博士の研究施設で一世紀もの間、戦い続けているらしいロックマンとプロトマンの対決を描いたアクション・シーンは、低予算どころか、いわゆる“ノーバジェット”ながら、よく頑張っているなぁ~!!とホメてあげてたくなるかもしれません…!!


Description from the YouTube page:

The beginning part of the video is a message Dr.Light records over 100 years ago, his lab is now abandoned. As the camera moves into the capsule you see a still running testing parameter where Mega Man X fights a hologram or drone in the form of Protoman. The reason I chose to use Protoman, was for the mystery surrounding him it’s never officially said what happens to him. So after this test ends with a charged blast from X he faces a choice to kill but he chooses to show mercy, After which a hologram appears telling him that his testing is done. What isn’t seen is who brought him out of the capsule which of course is Dr.Cain, maybe for another time. :)

This isn’t a perfect video I understand this, this is all independently made I didn’t have a lot of money but I decided to do it anyway I had 700 dollars, two green sheets, an amazing prop maker, two actors who worked for free because I didn’t have enough money to pay them, they still gave 110% and one awesome friend who busted his butt on the animation side. Thank you for taking the time to watch and for your support. I HOPE!!!! I did this game justice!

あなたの Facebook のお友だちにも、CIAをお勧めください ! !


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