The 68th Venice Film Festival: 第68回ヴェネチア国際映画祭グランプリの金獅子賞は、アレクサンドル・ソクーロフ監督の「ファウスト」に決定!! 監督賞の銀獅子賞は「人山人海」のツァイ・シャンチュン監督!!、ミヒャエル・ファスベンダーが男優賞に輝いた!!
金獅子賞 「ファウスト」(アレクサンドル・ソクーロフ監督)
銀獅子賞 「人山人海」(ツァイ・シャンチュン監督)
VENEZIA 68: Official Awards List
Golden Lion for Best Film
Faust by Aleksander Sokurov (Russia)
Silver Lion for Best Director
Shangjun CAI for the film Ren Shan Ren Hai (People Mountain People Sea) (China – Hong Kong)
Special Jury Prize
Terraferma by Emanuele Crialese (Italy)
Coppa Volpi for Best Actor
Michael Fassbender in the film Shame by Steve McQueen (United Kingdom)
Coppa Volpi for Best Actress
Deanie Yip in the film Tao jie (A Simple Life) by Ann Hui (China – Hong Kong)
Marcello Mastroianni Award for Best New Young Actor or Actress
Shôta Sometani and Fumi Nikaidô in the film Himizu by Sion Sono (Japan)
Osella for the Best Cinematography
Robbie Ryan for the film Wuthering Heights by Andrea Arnold (United Kingdom)
Osella for Best Screenplay
Yorgos Lanthimos and Efthimis Filippou for the film Alpis (Alps) by Yorgos Lanthimos (Grecia)
Lion of the Future – “Luigi De Laurentiis” Venice Award for a Debut Film
Là-bas by Guido Lombardi (Italy) – International Critics’ Week
and a prize of 100,000 USD, donated by Filmauro di Aurelio e Luigi De Laurentiis, to be divided equally between the director and the producer
Orizzonti Award (full-length films):
Kotoko by Shinya Tsukamoto (Japan)
Special Orizzonti Jury Prize (full-length films):
Whores’ Glory di Michael Glawogger (Austria, Germania)
Orizzonti Award:
Accidentes Gloriosos (medium-length films) by Mauro Andrizzi and Marcus Lindeen (Sweden, Denmark, Germany)
Orizzonti Award (short films):
In attesa dell’avvento by Felice D’Agostino and Arturo Lavorato (Italia)
Special Mentions:
O Le Tulafale (The Orator) by Tusi Tamasese (New Zealand, Samoa)
All The Lines Flow Out by Charles LIM Yi Yong (Singapore)
Controcampo Award (for narrative feature-length films)
Scialla! by Francesco Bruni
Controcampo Award (for short films)
A Chjàna by Jonas Carpignano
Controcampo Doc Award (for documentaries)
Pugni chiusi by Fiorella Infascelli
Special Mentions:
to the documentary Black Block by Carlo Augusto Bachschmidt
to Francesco Di Giacomo for the cinematography of Pugni chiusi
Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement
Marco Bellocchio
Jaeger-LeCoultre Glory to the Filmmaker Award 2011
Al Pacino
Persol 3D Award for the Most Creative Stereoscopic Film of the Year
Zapruder Filmmakers Group (David Zamagni, Nadia Ranocchi, and Monaldo Moretti)
L’Oréal Paris Award for Cinema
Nicole Grimaudo
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