************************************************* このCIA★こちら映画中央情報局ですは、2017年4月1日に、コチラの CIA Movie News に移転しました!! *************************************************

北米では明後日となる水曜日=11月18日に、ついに予告編を初公開する「ザ・ハンツマン: ウィンターズ・ウォー」が、その告知の前フリとして、前作の戦う白雪姫のクリステン・スチュワートに代わって、「ザ・マーシャン」が大ヒット中のジェシカ・チャステインが演じる新しい戦うヒロインのサラのほか、主演の雷神クリス・ヘムズワース、エミリー・ブラントとシャーリーズ・セロンの悪役姉妹のポスターを披露してくれたので、とり急ぎ、ご覧ください…!!

Long before the evil Queen Ravenna (Theron) was thought vanquished by Snow White’s blade, she watched silently as her sister, Freya (Blunt), suffered a heartbreaking betrayal and fled their kingdom. With Freya’s ability to freeze any enemy, the young ice queen has spent decades in a remote wintry palace raising a legion of deadly huntsmen — including Eric (Hemsworth) and warrior Sara (Chastain) — only to find that her prized two defied her one demand: Forever harden your hearts to love.

When Freya learns of her sister’s demise, she summons her remaining soldiers to bring the Magic Mirror home to the only sorceress left who can harness its power. But once she discovers Ravenna can be resurrected from its golden depths, the wicked sisters threaten this enchanted land with twice the darkest force it’s ever seen. Now, their amassing army shall prove undefeatable… unless the banished huntsmen who broke their queen’s cardinal rule can fight their way back to one another.


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