Cinderella: ケネス・ブラナー監督が古典ファンタジーをリ・イマジニングするディズニー映画の最新作「シンデレラ」の撮影がクランクイン!!、ガラスの靴のプリンセスに大抜擢されたリリー・ジェームズの写真を初公開!!
カーク船長のクリス・パインを主演に起用した、トム・クランシー原作シリーズの最新作「ジャック・ライアン」の全米公開を今年末12月25日のクリスマスに予定しているケネス・ブラナー監督が、早くも次回作「シンデレラ」の撮影をイギリス・ロンドンのパインウッド・スタジオでスタートしたことを、製作・配給のディズニーが以下 ↓ のプレスリリースで発表すると同時に、ガラスの靴のプリンセスのシンデレラに扮したリリー・ジェームズの写真を初公開しました!!
1950年公開のディズニーの名作アニメでもよく知られる童話を、あらためて実写映画化する…といった企画の概要からして、ティム・バートン監督の「アリス・イン・ワンダーランド」(2010年)と、サム・ライミ監督の「オズ:ザ・グレート・アンド・パワフル」(2013年)に続く、ディズニーの名作古典ファンタジー復活シリーズの最新作となる「シンデレラ」のお話の内容を知らないんですよ…という人は、ほとんど、いないものと思われますが、下 ↓ のプレスリリースのあらすじによれば、「ライラの冒険: 大赤字の羅針盤」(2007年)のクリス・ワイツ監督が執筆したシナリオでは、ヒロインのエラは、素性を隠した王子と、あらかじめ森で出会って、恋に落ち、その後、ガラスの靴を履いて出かけた舞踏会で、憬れの見知らぬ青年が王子さまだった…!!と知ることになるようですね…!!
その他に、マーベルのコミックヒーロー映画「ソー」(2011年)でも、ケネス・ブラナー監督とコンビを組んだステラン・スカルスガルドや、「ザ・キングズ・スピーチ」(2010年)のデレク・ジャコビ、「ザ・グレイ」(2012年)のノンソー・アノジーらが出演の「シンデレラ」は、再来年2015年3月13日から全米公開!!、“ ビビディ・バビディ・ブー ”とか歌うんでしょうか…?!
Starring Lily James, Richard Madden, Academy Award®-winner Cate Blanchett and Oscar®-nominee Helena Bonham Carter and Directed by Academy Award®-nominee Kenneth Branagh
Burbank, Calif. (September 23, 2013)—Walt Disney Pictures announced today that principal photography has begun at Pinewood Studios in London, on “Cinderella,” Disney’s first-ever live action feature inspired by the classic fairy tale.
Directed by Academy Award®-nominee Kenneth Branagh (“Jack Ryan,” “Thor”), the film stars Lily James (“Downton Abbey,” “Wrath of the Titans”) in the title role, Richard Madden (“Game of Thrones,” “Birdsong”) as the Prince, Oscar®-winner Cate Blanchett (“The Aviator”) as the infamous stepmother Lady Tremaine, and Academy Award-nominee Helena Bonham Carter (“The King’s Speech,” “Alice in Wonderland”) as the Fairy Godmother. Holliday Grainger (“Great Expectations,” “Anna Karenina”) and Sophie McShera (“Downton Abbey,” “Waterloo Road”) play Ella’s stepsisters Anastasia and Drisella, respectively. Stellan Skarsgård (“The Avengers,” “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”) and Nonso Anozie (“Game of Thrones,” “The Grey”) play the Arch Grand Duke and the Prince’s loyal friend, the Captain. Tony® Award-winner Derek Jacobi portrays the King.
“Cinderella” is produced by Simon Kinberg (“X-Men: First Class,” “Elysium”), Allison Shearmur (“The Hunger Games: Catching Fire”), David Barron (“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” “Jack Ryan”), from a screenplay by Chris Weitz (“About a Boy,” “The Golden Compass”).
The filmmaking team includes three-time Academy Award-winning production designer Dante Ferretti (“The Aviator,” “Hugo,” “Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street”), three-time Oscar-winning costume designer Sandy Powell (“The Aviator,” “The Young Victoria,” “Shakespeare in Love”), director of photography Haris Zambarloukos (“Sleuth,” “Thor”) and Academy Award-winning editor Martin Walsh (“Chicago,” “Clash of the Titans”).
The timeless story of “Cinderella” dates back to 1697 when first created by Charles Perrault, although it truly came to life for millions all over the world in 1950 with Walt Disney’s celebrated animated feature.
Director Kenneth Branagh says: “It is impossible to think of Cinderella without thinking of Disney and the timeless images we’ve all grown up watching. And those classic moments are irresistible to a filmmaker. With Lily James we have found our perfect Cinderella. She combines knockout beauty with intelligence, wit, fun and physical grace. Her Prince is being played by Richard Madden, a young actor with incredible power and charisma. He is funny, smart and sexy and a great match for Cinderella.”
The story of “Cinderella” follows the fortunes of young Ella whose merchant father remarries following the tragic death of her mother. Keen to support her loving father, Ella welcomes her new stepmother Lady Tremaine and her daughters Anastasia and Drisella into the family home. But, when Ella’s father suddenly and unexpectedly passes away, she finds herself at the mercy of a jealous and cruel new family. Finally relegated to nothing more than a servant girl covered in ashes, and spitefully renamed Cinderella, Ella could easily begin to lose hope. Yet, despite the cruelty inflicted upon her, Ella is determined to honor her mother’s dying words and to “have courage and be kind.” She will not give in to despair nor despise those who abuse her. And then there is the dashing stranger she meets in the woods. Unaware that he is really a prince, not merely an employee at the Palace, Ella finally feels she has met a kindred soul. It appears as if her fortunes may be about to change when the Palace sends out an open invitation for all maidens to attend a ball, raising Ella’s hopes of once again encountering the charming “Kit.” Alas, her stepmother forbids her to attend and callously rips apart her dress. But, as in all good fairy tales, help is at hand as a kindly beggar woman steps forward and, armed with a pumpkin and a few mice, changes Cinderella’s life forever.
Production on “Cinderella” will take place at Pinewood Studios and locations throughout England.
“Cinderella” will be released through Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures on March 13, 2015.
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