Oscar : 第86回アカデミー賞の最優秀長編ドキュメンタリー映画賞が、絶対視されていた「ジ・アクト・オブ・キリング」ではなく、「バックコーラスの歌姫たち」を選んだ!!
Backup singers live in a world that lies just beyond the spotlight. Their voices bring harmony to the biggest bands in popular music, but we've had no idea who these singers are or what lives they lead, until now.
A documentary that challenges former Indonesian death squad leaders to reenact their real-life mass-killings in whichever cinematic genres they wish, including classic Hollywood crime scenarios and lavish musical numbers.
The Act of Killing : 無数の人の命を容赦なく奪ったことで、国民的英雄に祭り上げられてる元 “ 死の部隊 ” の殺戮者らを監督に迎えて、あなたが国家のために行った大量虐殺を克明に映画で再現してくださいね!!とお願いしてみたブラックな実験のドキュメンタリー映画の衝撃作「ジ・アクト・オブ・キリング」の予告編!!(13.5.26)
"Cutie and the Boxer"
This candid New York love story explores the chaotic 40-year marriage of renowned "boxing" painter Ushio Shinohara and his wife, Noriko. Anxious to shed her role of assistant to her overbearing husband, Noriko seeks an identity of her own.
"Dirty Wars"
It's the dirty little secret of the War on Terror: all bets are off, and almost anything goes. We have fundamentally changed the rules of the game and the rules of engagement. Today drone strikes, night raids, and U.S. government--condoned torture occur in corners across the globe, generating unprecedented civilian casualties. Investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill traces the rise of the Joint Special Operations Command, the most secret fighting force in U.S. history, exposing operations carried out by men who do not exist on paper and will never appear before Congress. No target is off-limits for the JSOC "kill list," even a U.S. citizen. Director Richard Rowley takes us on a chilling ride with whistle-blower Scahill. Dirty Wars is a battle cry for the soul and conscience of an America few of us know exists.
"The Square"
The Square is an intimate observational documentary that tells the real story of the ongoing struggle of the Egyptian Revolution through the eyes of six very different protesters. Starting in the tents of Tahrir in the days leading up to the fall of Mubarak, we follow our characters on a life-changing journey through the euphoria of victory into the uncertainties and dangers of the current 'transitional period' under military rule, where everything they fought for is now under threat or in balance.
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