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Batman News : バットマン・シリーズ完結編「ザ・ダークナイト・ライズス」をプレミア上映中のコロラド州デンバーの映画館で、銃乱射の大量虐殺事件が勃発!!、10名が映画館で死亡!!、4名が搬送先の病院で亡くなった!!、負傷者の数は合計で約50人!!、観客は銃声や爆発音を映画の効果音とカン違いして、逃げ遅れた可能性?!、赤ん坊を容赦なく至近距離から射殺したガスマスクの犯人の身柄を警察がその場で確保!!、FBIが事件の詳細を捜査中!!、全米が恐怖のバットマン・シューティングに震えあがった…!!

Update 4:現地コロラドのオーロラ警察がバットマン・シューティング事件に関する公式発表をプレスリリースした(↓ 下にアタッチ)。犯人は20歳代前半の若い男。死者の数は今のところ、12名。犯人は銃乱射に先がけて、映画館の中で、何かを爆発させたか、ガスのようなものをまいて、混乱を誘った。

Update 3:事件の影響により、予定していたフランス・パリでのプレミア上映の中止が急遽決定!!、映画に関する現地でのマスコミ取材もすべて取りやめることになった…!!

Update 2: 製作・配給のワーナー・ブラザースが、悲しみに暮れた声明を緊急発表!!

“Warner Bros. is deeply saddened to learn about this shocking incident. We extend our sincere sympathies to the families and loved ones of the victims at this tragic time.”

Update: 犯人は、JamesHolmes154 の名前で、お笑いネタのサイト 9gag で犯行を予告していた。犯人がガスマスクをつけていた理由など着衣は、その犯行を予告したスレに対するコメントを参考にしていたものだった可能性が浮上…。詳細は不明ですが、犯人を心的外傷後ストレス障害、いわゆる、PTSDを患っていた模様。





DATE: July 20, 2012
CONTACT: Officer Frank Fania, PIO (303)739-6022
NATURE: Theater Shooting
CASE NUMBER: 12-28181

Aurora, Colo. – Aurora Police are investigating a shooting at the Century 16 Movie Theater, located at 14300 E Alameda Ave, involving approximately 50 victims with at least 12 confirmed dead. On July 20, 2012, at about 12:39 a.m., police received numerous calls of the shooting. Officers arrived on scene moments after the first calls and arrested one party at the rear of the theater.

Police were told the suspect “appeared” at the front of one of the theaters, threw some type of gas or explosive device and started shooting.

When the suspect was arrested, police recovered one rifle, one handgun and a gas mask. A third gun is still inside the theater. The suspect is an adult male Aurora resident in his early twenties. He offered no resistance when he was arrested. At this time, the police have no evidence that any additional suspects were involved other than the person arrested.

The Police Department can confirm that 12 persons are deceased, with the bodies of 10 victims still at the crime scene inside the theater. At least two more victims died at area hospitals. The Police Department previously released a preliminary number of 14 dead, but only 12 can be confirmed at this time. Approximately 50 total persons were shot, including the deceased.

Victims were transported to at least six area hospitals. Many were rushed immediately to hospitals in police cars by responding officers. The injured and dead include a wide age range. The conditions of the injured also vary, with some suffering very serious wounds.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is assisting in this investigation. Officers and deputies responded from almost every local police and sheriffs’ department in the metropolitan area.

Police are using Gateway High School, located at 1300 S. Sable Blvd., as a meeting location for family members seeking to reunite with loved ones.

Aurora Police will hold a press conference at approximately 11:00 a.m., Mountain Standard Time, to provide further information. The location will likely be outside the theater where the shooting occurred but the location may be changed.

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