************************************************* このCIA★こちら映画中央情報局ですは、2017年4月1日に、コチラの CIA Movie News に移転しました!! *************************************************

X-MENシリーズ最新作「ザ・ウルヴァリン」のメガホンをとったジェームズ・マンゴールド監督(「ナイト&デイ」2010年)が tweet してくれた、ヒュー・ジャックマンのウルヴァリンと真田広之扮する暴力団組長の矢志田信玄との対決シーンですが…、


Based on the celebrated comic book arc, this epic action-adventure takes Wolverine, the most iconic character of the X-Men universe, to modern day Japan. Out of his depth in an unknown world he faces his ultimate nemesis in a life-or-death battle that will leave him forever changed. Vulnerable for the first time and pushed to his physical and emotional limits, he confronts not only lethal samurai steel but also his inner struggle against his own immortality, emerging more powerful than we have ever seen him before.


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