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The Man With The Iron Fists : クエンティン・タランティーノ監督が仕掛け人をつとめた、RZA監督・主演のクレイジーなカンフー・アクション「ザ・マン・ウィズ・ジ・アイアン・フィスツ」が予告編とポスターを初公開!!


リーダーをつとめるヒップホップ・ユニットに、カンフー映画「少林寺武者房(Shaolin and Wu Tang)」(1981年)から引用した “ ウータン・クラン ” と名前をつけることからしても、カンフー映画マニアのRZAが初監督に挑戦し、自ら主演もつとめた「ザ・マン・ウィズ・ジ・アイアン・フィスツ」は…、19世紀の中国を舞台に、とある領地に流れ着いたRZA演じる鍛冶屋の武器職人が、覇権争いの戦さに際して、よそ者の自分を受け入れてくれた人々を守るため、ラッセル・クロウの悪役と対決することに…!!といったプロットだそうで、古代の超自然のパワーがRZAに乗り移り、人間兵器に生まれ変わることになるそうです…!!



Quentin Tarantino presents The Man With the Iron Fists, an action-adventure inspired by kung-fu classics as interpreted by his longtime collaborators RZA and Eli Roth. Making his debut as a big-screen director and leading man, RZA—alongside a stellar international cast led by Russell Crowe and Lucy Liu—tells the epic story of warriors, assassins and a lone outsider hero in nineteenth-century China who must unite to destroy the clan traitor who would destroy them all. Since his arrival in China’s Jungle Village, the town’s blacksmith (RZA) has been forced by radical tribal factions to create elaborate tools of destruction. When the clans’ brewing war boils over, the stranger channels an ancient energy to transform himself into a human weapon. As he fights alongside iconic heroes and against soulless villains, one man must harness this power to become savior of his adopted people. Blending astonishing martial-arts sequences from some of the masters of this world with the signature vision he brings as the leader of the Wu-Tang Clan and as one of hip-hop’s most dominant figures of the past two decades, RZA embarks upon his most ambitious, stylized and thrilling project to date.
